Press and media

Contact person

We have considerable experience in media law and regulatory issues arising in connection with the operation of media service providers, in particular, television companies and publishers. We offer our services to those stakeholders published on audiovisual, on-demand and online broadcasting platforms, as well as print and online press products.

Accordingly, we provide practical expertise in specialized issues such as the regulatory and subsidy relations of broadcasting companies, as well as issues related to content production and the lawful use of media contents. We support our clients effectively in pursuing their legitimate claims in relation to infringing media content, for example in privacy and press correction cases or infringements committed on social media platforms.

Contact person

dr. Jaczkovics László Gábor

László Gábor

managing attorney

dr. Hegedűs Eszter

dr. HEGEDŰS Eszter


Sajtó- és médiajog
Regulation of media services

We provide legal advice on official notifications and authorization procedures of media service providers and publishers. Our services also include the examination of their funding and subsidy relations, with particular regard to the rules on budget support and the requirements concerning prohibited state aid. We also offer practical expertise in copyrights, distribution and other civil law issues relevant to media service providers and publishers, like drafting production contracts, license agreements and publishing contracts in line with current legal practice, as well as software law issues.

Specific legal issues for broadcasters

We have up-to-date knowledge of specific media law requirements regarding both communal and commercial media services, such as editorial responsibility, ‘must-carry’ obligation for local and regional media services, product placement and display of advertising, program quota obligations, or the airtime and age rating of certain programs.

We provide legal advice on broadcasting agreements and obligations arising in connection with collective rights management organizations, like notifications and royalty payment.


We place particular emphasis on the legal classification of media infringements and the regarding legal actions. In particular, we provide legal advice on the protection of privacy and press correction issues, and we provide legal representation in related litigation and non-litigation proceedings for both natural and legal persons whether or not they are the infringing or the injured party. We place great emphasis on the judical practice regarding public figures.

Among media infringements, we provide effective legal protection in the recently increasing cases of infringement of privacy rights on social media and through the malicious application of artificial intelligence, such as fake news or the misuse of images and voice.