Labor Law

Contact person

We provide employment law advice and legal representation concerning labor and other like-wise relationships concluded by both private companies and public bodies, publicly-owned operators and other similar entities in the public domain. Our services cover issues arising from individual contracts and also collective agreements, as well as labor law liability and disputes, both for employees and employers.

Our knowledge ranges from general employment relations to specific employment relationships in those sectoral fields covered by our legal services.

Contact person

dr. Hegedűs Eszter

dr. HEGEDŰS Eszter


dr. Őri-Tömő Andrea

dr. ŐRI-TÖMŐ Andrea


Healthcare employment

Our expertise includes labor law issues regarding public and private healthcare providers, under the terms of a health service relationship, employment relationship and other similar relationships for the purpose of work (such as contributor, personal assistant and volunteer relationships).

Higher education employment

We provide practical expertise in labor law issues concerning the employment relationships of higher education institutions and institutional companies, in particular, in relation to the employment of lecturers, researchers, professors and executive personnel, persons with individual contract relationships and student employees. Our services cover specific areas such as the qualification and performance rating of employees or the scope of employee benefits.

Employment relations of cultural institutions

Our expertise covers specific labor law rules applicable to persons employed under both general labor regulations and specific performer-artistic relationships by cultural institutions, including questions arising in connection with their practical application.

Specific labor law matters

We provide practical expertise in managing the implementation of employer succession and collective redundancies, drafting collective agreements, representing employers’ interests with representative bodies, and preventing and managing labor conflicts arising from reorganization and outsourcing.

Labor disputes

We provide comprehensive advice and litigation representation in connection with disputes related to employment and other like-wise relations to both employers and employees, in both plaintiff and defendant positions as well.