We have earned your trust for 25 years

A quarter of a century has passed since our law office was founded. It would be difficult to enumerate all the changes that have taken place in all this time throughout the world, or even in the realm of law.

But one thing is constant: our commitment to our clients. We are proud of their trust, and this motivates us to continue providing them with a high level of service despite a changing world.

We believe in the permanence of values. This is not only reflected in the long-standing trust of our clients, but also in the decades-long work with many of our colleagues. Among other things, this guarantees that we remain a constant even in a rapidly changing legal system.

We are permanently adapting to change while preserving our core values in the same time. The up-to-date legal expertise of our dynamically developing colleagues ensures that we are able to respond to emerging legal issues and realize our clients’ business ideas in a swift, flexible and complex manner.

Jaczkovics Ügyvédi Iroda
Jaczkovics Ügyvédi Iroda

Our specialization extends beyond the classical civil law tasks to the more complex intersections of economic law. We provide expertise in regulated industries, such as healthcare, education, culture, press and media, data protection or gaming regulation. In addition to general company law matters, we place particular emphasis on the legal aspects of venture capital investments, corporate transformations and acquisitions. Our legal practice in property law ranges from simple transactions, through complex legal support for real estate developments and investments, to the implementation of tasks related to urban planning or state and municipal property management. Our practice concerning claim management claims covers the full range of litigation and non-litigation procedures, from ordinary and arbitration proceedings to enforcement and liquidation proceedings.

Our client base is diverse. We are proud to have clients from almost every sector and level of the economy, from private and public companies to cultural institutions, hospitals, universities, municipalities, public bodies and public corporations as well. Their trust is based on our professional knowledge and working culture that we have built up over the past quarter of a century and which we are constantly striving to improve. At the same time, each of our clients requires a unique approach and a tailor-made solution. Our primary challenge is identifying, elaborating and implementing such solutions for them.

Legal services and sectors

Adatvédelem és információszabadság

Data protection and freedom of information

Gazdasági és üzleti jog

Economic and business law

Ingatlanjog és vagyongazdálkodás

Real estates and property management

Igényérvényesítés és vitarendezés

Enforcement and dispute resolution

Sajtó- és médiajog

Press and media

Egészségügyi intézmények jogi támogatása

Healthcare providers

Oktatási és kulturális intézmények jogi támogatása

Educational and cultural institutions


Labor Law

Our colleagues