Healthcare providers

Contact person

We have nearly twenty years of expertise in healthcare issues relevant to healthcare providers. We possess up-to-date practical knowledge of the legal requirements concerning the operation of healthcare providers and the applicable healthcare regulation. Over the years, we have provided legal services as part of long-term assignments to dozens of healthcare institutions in Budapest and in other parts of the country as well, both to public and private providers,. Accordingly, our clientele consists mainly of healthcare institutions maintained by the state or a municipality – with a national, county or municipal competence – as well as medium-sized and large private healthcare providers.

In order to provide the up-to-date legal practice, we are constantly monitoring the implications of changes in the healthcare regulation.

Contact person

dr. Kósa Lehel

dr. KÓSA Lehel


dr. Góg Zsuzsanna

dr. GÓG Zsuzsanna


Egészségügyi intézmények jogi támogatása
Legal support for private health service providers

We provide complex legal advice to our clients even directly at the operational management level. In addition to sectoral tasks, we offer advice concerning the applicable classical civil law and administrative legal tasks as well.

We have extensive expertise in sectoral issues, like identifying the legal obligations and requirements for both newly-established and operating healthcare providers, supporting the development and restructuring of their organization, in case of certain regulatory, ethical and financial-budgetary audits or at IT development projects. We help our clients to introduce a coherent internal framework of healthcare-specific regulations that not only defines the operational regime of the service provider, but also adapts to the rapid changes of the external regulatory environment. Our competence includes the performance of tasks concerning the due diligence, acquisition, streamlining and restructuring the operations of private healthcare providers or specific groups of providers.

We also provide comprehensive legal expert in the establishment and the day-to-day management of contractual relationships related to the operations of healthcare providers, such as partner, supplier and employment contracts.

Legal support for public healthcare institutions

In addition to the aforementioned services offered to private healthcare providers, we have particular expertise in providing legal support to public healthcare institutions in development-related and strategic decision-making. We also offer legal contribution for health IT development projects in the process of drafting legislation and the harmonization of laws.

We provide a wide range of legal support to our clients regarding specific contracts, such as collaborations between public healthcare institutions, co-operations between public and private providers, or participation in medical research and clinical studies.

Healthcare employments

We offer up-to-date knowledge of labor law issues relevant to healthcare providers, a sector which have been substantially affected by the recent intense legislative activity. Our services cover in particular the employment relationships, working time and conflicts of interest of healthcare professionals and other healthcare employees, and the development of applicable internal regulatory practices.

Patient rights

We have successfully supported our clients in hundreds of cases to handle patient and their relatives complaints in a professional manner. In recent years, we have represented our institutional clients in more than a hundred different cases for compensation in litigation and in related negotiations with liability insurers.

Health data protection

In view of the increased responsibility of service providers for the protection of personal data, we place particular emphasis on identifying the applicable specific requirements for the protection and processing of health data. In line with that, we offer regular communication with the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (NAIH).