dr. TÖMÖRDI Boglárka
She specialises in press, media and employment law and has extensive experience in education law and litigation.
Her knowledge of press and media law covers issues concerning media content provision, media service providers, press product creators, publishers, their specific operational frameworks, the settlement of special contractual relationships between them, copyright protection issues concerning authors and other related rights holders. She is also experienced in particular in the protection of personality rights and press-correction cases related to certain infringing content, and in the related litigation.
Her professional experience includes both general and specialised employment and other employment relationships, legal advice, drafting of documents, labour dispute resolution and legal representation in labour disputes.
In the field of education, she has expertise in the complex operation of public education institutions, vocational training and higher education, as well as in the legal representation of teachers and students in all matters concerning their legal relations and in related litigation.
She graduated from Eötvös Loránd University in 2015 with a law degree.
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