Enforcement and dispute resolution
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We give priority to issues relating to the enforcement of claims by and against our clients as well as other legal claims. Accordingly, our claims management and enforcement practice covers the full range of litigation and non-litigation procedures, from proceedings within the cognizance of a court or tribunal to enforcement and liquidation proceedings.
In addition to business disputes deriving from breach of contract, we offer practical experience in the effective enforcement of a number of specialized claims, such as employment litigation, medical malpractice lawsuits and disputes concerning real properties.
Business disputes
We support our clients in the legal classification of their claims and in identifying the substantive and procedural prerequisites for asserting claims. Upon such information we help them identify the applicable proceedings – typically civil litigation or forced liquidation – in a creditor or other beneficiary position, and provide full legal representation in such case. However, we support our clients in a debtor or another obligor position as well to identify legal circumstances that may preclude or limit enforcement action launched against them, such as the statutes of limitations or mandatory prior declarations. We also identify possible infringing elements of certain procedural acts and take the applicable legal measures to prevent enforcement.
Labor disputes
We provide legal advice and representation in litigation – primarily to employers – concerning labor relationships and likewise contracts concluded by both the private and the public sector, like publicly-owned companies in relation to individual and collective employment and related liability disputes. Our expertise also extends to specific matters such as preventing and managing conflicts concerning employer succession, collective redundancies and outsourcing.
Disputes concerning real estate
With our experience in real estate law and property management, we provide full legal representation in disputes and litigation concerning the ownership, possession and use of real estate, as well as in enforcement proceedings involving real estate.
Infringements in the press and media
We provide legal classification of certain infringing media content and other acts, identification of the related legal consequences and implementation of the necessary legal measures. Our service contains privacy and press correction matters, disputed situations involving public figures, as well as infringements on social media platforms and those committed with the use of artificial intelligence, such as fake news and other misuse of images or sound.
Medical malpractice
Based on our expertise obtained in the field of health law, we provide legal representation in medical malpractice disputes and related litigation brought by patients or their relatives.
Disputes concerning higher education institutions
We provide full litigation representation in specific employment liability, like qualification-related and other similar disputes involving various positions in higher education. We also offer legal advice in relation to certain institutional measures concerning student status, such as termination of student status, classification and reclassification in certain forms of education, credit calculation, final certificates and degrees.
Litigation related to requests for access to data of public interest
Based on our expertise obtained in the field of data protection and the freedom of information, we provide our clients with effective legal representation in lawsuits related to requests for access to data of public interest.